A boy in his barrow |
My lunch date. He's a gentleman. Though I declined, I was offered the wheel barrow first.
The stinker who ate all my brocolli & kale. |
Tonight we meet my parents for dinner. Usually I'd be running 10 miles, practicing the Astanga primary series, eating all raw for a few days so my eyes & skin clear. Instead I ate pizza with barrow-boy. & haven't exercised apart from yoga assists & cleaning.
Limelight. Keeping it classy. |
I think this is progress.
Slutty cucumbers. Trailing over the raised bed & re-seeding all over the place |
Pennsauken's finest-- spaghetti squash in my backyard |
Late summer strawberries |
Ancho peppers, jalapenos, & red peppers. I'm thinking chile rellenos
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