Thursday, April 18, 2013


"One discovers during pilgrimage that there is no place to escape from oneself."  Joan Halifax

Joan Halifax writes that people have always made pilgrimage.  There is ritual in intentional journey.  As we explore our own adaptability, our ability to be in the world, inevitably there is unanticipated discovery.

This has helped me reconceive my annual adventure.  There have been moments in my life where I couldn't stay the urge to move because I wanted to run away.  Things weren't working out, I wanted to start over.  Inevitably, once the excitement of a new place wore off I again felt disconnected & unsettled.  My impulse to migrate hadn't solved anything.

For the last decade my life has been about rooting, intentionally.  I've built a home, community, & practice to both sustain myself & create the circumstances for growth.  Part of that growth has been annually being in the world, somewhere new, somewhere to learn.  I'm realizing that there is a lot of intention behind this type of travel.  I don't want to escape from anything but rather gather together resources, ideas, & inspiration to reinvigorate the home I return to.  I feel settled in my skin & my community, therefore I feel more enriched & present when I venture further into the world.

Perhaps this annual practice of travel is something of a pilgrimage back into myself.  It's purposefully setting up a pause, a moment when I re-examine how I'm living & verify that it's in line with my intentions.  It's a moment to step out of the momentum of day-to-day routine & breathe a little more deeply.  Nourish that practice so that I lose it less readily.  Continue to find balance.

It doesn't matter how far I roam.  None of us can escape ourselves.  As I'm learning to draw a little more deeply within myself, I'm reminded of the sweet spot we all work towards.  Gaze inwards to know ourselves, find peace, & stability.  Gaze outwards, be in the world, be engaged.  Not too much in either direction.  Self-involvement can lead to self-indulgence.  Being in the world without self-care can lead to martyrdom.

There is no escape from ourselves but there are the lessons of how to truly be within our own bodies, lives, experiences, & communities.  Pilgrimage can be the ritual of remembering.

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