Friday, March 20, 2015


My house is now messier & in equal proportion, more fun. Once more, we have cats!

In the last year or so, Kevin and I began trying to emotionally prepare ourselves for when Laz left. He was almost 20 (or maybe 20, we're not quite sure on his date of birth) so we knew that every day we got with him was a gift. We were devastated to lose him. The plan was to immediately adopt brother kittens. We knew they would never replace Laz, but kittens are distracting, we have space, and there are tons of animals in shelters. We felt like it was the right thing.

However, Laz left us right before Thanksgiving. We had a good deal of planned travel coming up: holiday visits to family, the yoga retreat in St Lucia, and my study in India. We decided the most responsible thing was to wait to adopt cats when I got home from India so that the house was more stable and we were around to get to know the new critters.

We checked in with friends who foster and do animal rescue. Apparently, late spring is kitten season. During the winter, there aren't usually many kittens to adopt. After a week of looking through emailed photos (which felt weird-- how do you chose?) we started visiting shelters. Depressing. So depressing. So much love to those who do the work. I really can't imagine.

We got a call one night from a shelter coordinator. She knew we were looking for bonded cats, or cats who felt close to one another and wanted to stay together. We figured these cats often get separated. If we can keep them together, as there are currently no animals in our house, bonus. Also, these animals tend to do well. And, we travel some. We figured having each other might make our departures easier on the animals.

I was scheduled to meet with a couple whose wedding I'll officiate this spring at the time we were asked to go to the shelter. Kevin went in my stead. As I left my meeting I called Kevin. He said, "I have two cats playing on my lap. They love a third. Can I keep them?"

I raced to the shelter. When I got there, all three cats had sort of shut down due to the stress of being in the shelter environment. I didn't know what to say. Are these my cats? Or not? Kevin felt connected so I agreed.

Their foster Mom cried. She really loved them but couldn't keep them. She'd found them abandoned in the apartment of evicted tenants. We promised we'd take good care of them.

When we brought them home I started to cry. I didn't want to impose that on these guys, but the whole process brought on a new wave of grief over Laz's loss. I knew these cats would simply be a different experience. I still missed Laz. I felt his absence a bit more acutely.

Maurice, the white and black fluffy boy, immediately decided our house was his house. He is about a year and a half and was originally thought to be the mother of the younger black cats. It was discovered that he's a boy and only about 6 months older than the other two. He could be their father, but we don't know. Regardless, he cares for the little guys and plays with them.

And when I come home, this is what I see:

He's a character.

George and Estelle are the younger brother and sister. George is a love bug in the early mornings and loves to play with Maurice. Estelle is coming out of her shell a bit, but definitely the most reserved and skiddish of the three. They figured out our bedroom closet is where it's at: high ground for good visibility, slightly hidden, and a warm bed of all my sweaters and scarves.

These guys went from being abandoned in an apartment, to fostered in a sunroom, and now have run of our whole house. They are taking full advantage!

Everyday, we all get more accustomed to one another. Multiple cats is super fun. They're ridiculous and play with each other. Our friends have been dropping by with cat toys. I feel like it's a slow trickle baby shower. Our house is way more fun with their fuzzy presence.

I feel like I'm continuing to learn what Laz taught me: I can love really well and fully. I felt so connected to Laz. I knew him since I was 15. I thought that type of connection might have gone with him. Instead, I'm starting to see that he helped me develop that capacity. I still miss him and no other bond is quite the same. However, I'm getting closer with these animals. We're getting to know each other. Laz taught me that when you pay good quality attention to other creatures, they pay attention back. And your life is more full for the engagement.

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