Tuesday, March 18, 2014

We all can do weird things

Kevin jumped out of the car (it was stopped, don't worry) to run an errand this morning. He returned saying, "I love knowing and being known by my community." The employees at his errand checked in with him. We smiled. We have community!

It's beautiful to know and be known. It's valuable to also realize the resources in your midst. We have amazing friends, Carole and Ken. Carole recently sold her car to other mutual friends, thereby freeing herself up to replace it with a car that felt better to her. Ken is great at finding appropriate cars and helped get the job done. 

I've been dying to replace my car, but I can't afford to-- yet. I feel like I'm driving the grandma mobile on borrowed time. Kevin and I have set one of our next financial priorities at replacing this car so that we can be proactive and not reactive at the moment of the grandma mobile's inevitable demise.

I shared this with Carole, telling her how I'm dreaming about a used Prius for under $8K (I've heard it's possible!). 

I'm really good at making weird travel happen. You tell me you want to ride a yak to a yurt in Mongolia? I get it. I can make it real.

However, I'm terrible about finding a new (to me) car. And I hate the task.

Ken is good at it. 

And he's kind. He's already researched this possible car! The whole project is on hold while I save money. However, I'm brainstorming a barter to compensate him for his time.

So this got Kevin and me to talking. We love community. We love knowing and being known. We also love knowing what type of weird and seemingly random aptitudes we each have. Beth hates gardening. Kevin loves it! Beth loves teaching yoga. Kevin loves learning yoga. Trade!

Joe is a lawyer. I need a waiver for my international retreats. Joe likes Assisted Yoga Practices. I offer Assisted Yoga Practices. Trade!

I wish we could wear name tags listing our weird abilities. Share yours in the comments below!

Contemplative yoginis during an Adjust and Assist Swap. Skill sharing! Mutual aid!


  1. I can organize anything!!!

  2. I LOVE your blog. Love love love.

    And I love bartering. Feels so good. As I've been building my professional tarot practice online (uh-oh, word's out!), this has been a pretty big piece in working out the kinks. I didn't feel ready to charge, so I gave away a ton of readings in exchange for in-depth feedback from other entrepreneurs. While some folks didn't honour the exchange (I was really surprised by this!), most did. And oh boy---the ones that did really improved my practice: they even wrote killer testimonials! I came out of the experience with the confidence that my sessions had monetary value. Some things money can't buy, and I'm so glad there are ways to exchange without it!

  3. I love LOVE love you! And your mad skills. How is your spellbinding food creation not listed? Oh you spritely minx.

  4. I don't know if they are weird abilities, but I'm pretty decent at logo design, am an excellent weekly menu planner, and will happily research the crud out of anything to get someone information.

  5. I love this! We are compiling such a good skill share resource!
