Wednesday, March 26, 2014

When planted seeds start to bloom

What a week!

This morning, I received word that I'll be assisting Beth Filla when she teaches at the Namas Day Festival in Philly. I LOVE assisting and adjusting students. Plus, musician (& friend!) Andrew Chalfen will offer live tunes. Read the description below & register.

Make Me an Instrument: a Jivamukti Yoga Chakra Balancing PracticeBeth FillaAsana, Meditation, Intermediate, 9:00-10:30 am
Our bodies are the repositories for our karmas: everything we do, say, and think has an impact. Different parts of our physical bodies correspond to the situations and relationships we find ourselves in at different points in our lives. Through yoga asana, sound practice (mantra), and meditation, we can liberate ourselves from the residues of our past actions and clear the channels so we can consciously direct our energy toward what we hold most dear.

In other news, I'm developing a bunch of amazing yoga retreats. It's bananas. To me, travel can function so similarly to yoga-- it can prime us to reconceive of ourselves and our environment. Powerful. One retreat I've been dreaming of mightily? Hoi An, Vietnam. I received word today that Advanced Certified Jivamukti Instructor, Julie Kirkpatrick has committed to co-teach with me! I'm pretty much beside myself. She an astounding teacher, so the participants will benefit from all of her bright insight-- but I get to practice with her when I'm not teaching! What a blessing!

Stay tuned. This is turning out to be a bright spring.

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