Saturday, August 11, 2012

A little help from my friends

Option A (final version would be cropped at the waist)

I act as Officiant for families wanting to create ceremony that best reflects their own beliefs.  It's a privilege to create this space & something I really cherish.  For that reason, I have never used a photo from a service I Officiated for my own promotional materials.  I need to share that I offer these services, but want to do so as respectfully as possible.  I was trying to figure how I could add an Officiating image when it occurred to me that my friends, Robin & Mike, have a lovely baby daughter, Aaliyah, & we could create space together specifically for the purpose of this photo.

They were game.

We spent a great day laughing in the sun.  Kevin took so many beautiful photos that I'm now having a hard time deciding.  I would love help!  Please pick your favorite shot.  I'm very, very grateful.

Option B
Option C
Option D
Option E


  1. Amazing pics!!! My fav are B & C :-)Beautiful people :-) - Marina -

  2. B is my favorite, but they are all lovely!

  3. B all the way! This is the best-framed shot where most of you are facing the camera head-on and the entire group is not at an angle from the viewer.
